Yan LI (Tec), Ph.D, Prof.
Principal Investigator
State Key Laboratory of Epigenetic Regulation and Intervention, IBP
Research Interests: Determining protein modifications associated with disease
Email: yanli@ibp.ac.cn
Tel: 010-64885759
Address: 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China
Chinese personal homepage
- Biography
1994 - 1998 BS in Department of Pharmacy, Peking University Healthy Science Center
2000 - 2004 PhD in Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland
2004 - 2005 Research Scientist inCalibrant Biosystems Inc.
2005 - 2011 Research fellow/Research Associate in Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University
2011 - Principal Investigator in CAS Institute of Biophysics
- Awards
- Membership in Academies & Societies
- Research Interests
Protein modification is one of the significant mechanisms of protein function and disease progression. Our research interests focus on determining protein modifications associated with disease, especially for glycoproteins and their glycosylation. These include: the development of new technologies for low-abundance proteom and glycan analyses; discovery and verify disease biomarkers using high throughput approaches of clinical proteomics and glycomics.The aim of our researches is to provide a greater understanding of human proteome and glycans in the diagnosis and management of human disease.
- Grants
- Selected Publications
1. Zou W. J., Huang C. C., Sun Q., Zhao K. L., Gao H. Y., Su3, Li Y.*. A stepwise mutagenesis approach using histidine and acidic amino acid to engineer highly pH-dependent protein switches, 3-Biotech, 2022, 12,21.
2. Liu L.#, Xie W. C.#, Song Z. J., Wang T. Y., Li X. S., Gao Y.*, Li Y.*, Zhang J. Q., Guo X. H. Addition of 3-methoxytyramine or chromogranin A to plasma free metanephrines as the initial test for pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: Which is the best diagnostic strategy, Clinical Endocrinology. 2021,8:1-7.
3. Song Z. J., Gao H. Y., Xie W. C., Sun Q., Liang K.*, Li Y.*. Quantitative MALDI-MS assay of steroid hormones in plasma based on hydroxylamine derivatization, Analytical Biochemistry, 2021,616,114089.
4. Huang C. C., Tan Z. S., Zhao K. L., Zou W. J., Wang H., Gao H. Y., Sun S. W., Bu D. B., Chai W. G.*, Li Y.*. The Effect of N-glycosylation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein on The Virus Interaction with The Host Cell ACE2 Receptor, iScience, 2021, 24, 103272.
5. Wang H.#, Wang Y.#, Hou M. J., Zhang C. M., Wang Y. J., Guo Z. D., Bu D. B., Li Y., Huang C. C.*, Sun S. W.*. HepParser: An Intelligent Software for Deciphering Low Molecular Weight Heparin Based on Mass Spectrometry, Frontiers in Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 9, 723149.
6. Wang J. Y., Huang C. C., Zhou J. Y., Zhao K. L., Li Y.*. Causal link between immunoglobulin G glycosylation and cancer: A potential glycobiomarker for early tumor detection, Cellular Immunology, 2021,361,104282.
7. 关丽芬#,王俊妍#,李炜煊,黄纯翠,李岩*. 体外培养细胞系与人体蛋白质N糖基化的差异研究,癌症进展,已接收.
8. 孙青,梁锴,李岩*.血液样本质量的评估技术进展. 生物化学与生物物理进展,2021,48 (8):938-946.
9. Huang C. C.#, Wang H.#, Bu D. B., Zhou J. Y., Dong J. C., Zhang J. W., Gao H. Y., Wang Y. J., Chai W. G.*, Sun S. W.*, Li Y.*. Multistage Mass Spectrometry with Intelligent Precursor Selection for N-Glycan Branching Pattern Analysis, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 237, 116122.
10. Huang C. C., Sun S. W., Yan J. Y., Wang H., Zhou J. Y., Gao H. Y., Xie W. C., Li Y.*, Chai W. G.*. Identification of carbohydrate peripheral epitopes important for recognition by positive-ion multistage mass spectrometry, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 229, 115528.
11. Wang H., Zhang J. W., Dong J. C., Hou M. J., Pan W. Y., Bu D. B., Zhou J. Y., Zhang Q., Wang Y. J., Zhao K. L., Li Y., Huang C. C.*, Sun S. W.*. Identification of glycan branching patterns using multistage mass spectrometry with spectra tree analysis, Journal of Proteomics, 2020, 217, 103649.
12. Zhou J. Y., Gao H. Y., Xie W. C., Li Y.*. Bovine serum albumin affects N-glycoforms of murine IgG monoclonal antibody purified from hybridoma supernatants, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2020,104, 1583-1594.
13. Huang C. C., Yan J. Y., Zhan L. P., Zhao M, Zhou J. Y., Gao H. Y., Xie W. C., Li Y.*, Chai W. Linkage and sequence analysis of neutral oligosaccharides by negative-ion MALDI tandem mass spectrometry with laser-induced dissociation, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1071, 25-35.
14. Wang Y. J., Bu D. B., Huang C. C., Wang H., Zhou J. Y., Dong J. C., Pang W. Y., Zhang J. W., Zhang Q., Li Y., Sun S. W.*. Best-first search guided multistage mass spectrometry-based glycan identification. Bioinformatics, 2019, 35, 2991-2997.
15. Sun D. H., Hu F. L., Gao H. Y., Song Z. J., Xie W. C., Wang P., Shi L. J., Wang K., Li Y., Huang C. C.*, Li Z. G.*. Distribution of abnormal IgG glycosylation patterns from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients by MALDI-TOF-MSn, Analyst, 2019, 144, 2042-2051.
16. Ju F. S., Zhang J. W., Bu D. B., Li Y., Zhou J. Y., Wang H., Wang Y. J., Huang C. C.*, Sun S. W.*. De Novo glycan structural identification from mass spectra using tree merging strategy, Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2019, 80, 217-224.
17. Zhang W. W., Gao H. Y., Sun Q, Liang K, Xie W. C., Li Y.*. LC-MS/MS studies on sample quality control of Fabry Disease, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2019,46(8):823-34.
18. Zhou J. Y., Gao H. Y., Xie W. C., Li Y.*. FcγR-binding affinity of monoclonal murine IgG1s carrying different N-linked Fc oligosaccharides, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2019,520(1): 8-13.
19. Sun S. W., Huang C. C., Wang Y. J., Liu Y. M., Zhang J. W., Zhou J. Y., Gao F., Yang F, Chen R. S., Mulloy B., Chai W. G., Li Y.*, Bu D. B.*. Toward Automated Identification of Glycan Branching PatternsUsing Multistage Mass Spectrometry with Intelligent Precursor Selection, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90 (24): 14412-14422.
20. Liang K., Gao H. Y., Gu Y. J., Yang S. J., Zhang J. L., Li J. J., Wang Y. L., Wang Y.J., Li Y.*. Graphene oxide aggregate-assisted LDI-MS for the direct analysis of triacylglycerol in complex biological samples,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018,1035(4):108-118.
21. Zhao Q. Q., Zhan T. C., Deng Z. A., Li Q. Q., Liu Y. M., Yang S. J., Ji D. B., Li Y.*. Glycan analysis of colorectal cancer samples reveals stage-dependent changes in CEA glycosylation patterns, Clinical Proteomics, 2018, 15(9).
22. Wang X. N., Deng Z. A., Huang C. C., Zhu T., Lou J. T., Wang L., Li Y.*. Differential N-glycan patterns identified in lung adenocarcinoma by N glycan profiling of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections, Journal of proteomics, 2018, 172: 1-10.
23. Huang C. C., Liu Y. M., Wu H. M., Sun D. H., Li Y.*. Characterization of IgG glycosylation in rheumatoid arthritis patients by MALDI-TOF-MSn and capillary electrophoresis, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2017, 409(15): 3731-3739.
24. Chen H. H., Deng Z. A., Huang C. C., Wu H. M., Zhao X., Li Y.*. Mass spectrometric profiling reveals association of N-glycan patterns with epithelial ovarian cancer progression, Tumor Biology, 2017, 39(7).
25. Zhao K. L., Huang C. C., Wu H. M., Li Y.*. Progress in Understanding of Glycan Structure Analysis Based on Mass Spectrometry, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2017, 44(1): 49-57.
26. Liang K., Wu H. M., Li Y.*. Immune-Enrichment of Insulin in Bio-fluids on Gold-Nanoparticle Decorated Target Plate and In-situ Detection by MALDI MS, Clinical Proteomics, 2017, 14: 5.
27. Liang K., Liu F., Fan J., Sun D., Liu C., Bernard D. W., Li,Y., Yokoi K., Katz M. H., Koay E. J., Zhao Z., Hu T. Y. *. Nanoplasmonic Quantification of Tumor-derived Extracellular Vesicles in PlasmaMicrosamples for Diagnosis and TreatmentMonitoring, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 1: 0021.
28. Zhou J.Y., Li Q. Q., Huang C. C., Wu H. M., Li Y.*. Recent Advances in the Structural Analysis of Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide and Its Oligosaccharide Chains, Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2017, 44(1): 49-57.
29. Liang K., Wu H. M., Hu T. Y., Li Y.*. Mesoporous Silica Chip-Enabled Peptide Profiling as an Effective Platform for Controlling Bio-Sample Quality and Optimizing Handling Procedure, Clinical Proteomics, 2016, 13: 34.
30. Huang C. C., Zhan T. C., Liu Y. M., Wu H. M., Li Y.*. Characterization of IgG glycosylation in rheumatoid arthritis patients by MALDI-TOF-MSn and Capillary Electrophoresis, Glycobiology, 2016, 1486.
31. Sun S. W., Huang C. C., Wang Y. J., Liu Y. M., Chai W. G., F. Yang, Zhang J. W., Gao F., Chen R. S., Li Y., Bu D. B.*. Towards automated identification of glycan branching patterns using multistage mass spectrometry with intelligent precursor selection, Glycobiology, 2016, 1458.
32. Zhang Z. Q., Li Y.*. The application of mass spectrometry in clinical biochemistry, Laboratory Medicine, 2015, 30(5): 407-409.
33. Zhao Q. Q., Zhang Z. Q., Li Y.*. The application of mass spectrometry for protein markers discovery in cancer detection, Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2015, 8(2): 82-84.
34. Yuan S. S., Li Q. Q., Zhang Y., Huang C. C., Wu H. M., Li Y., Liu Y. L., Yu N., Zhang H., Lu G. Z., Gao Y. M., Gao Y., Guo X. H.*. Changes in Anti-thyroglobulin IgG Glycosylation Patterns in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Patients, J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2015, 100(2): 717-724.
35. Huang C. C., Zhan T. C., Liu Y. M., Li Q. Q., Wu H. M., Ji D. B., Li Y.*. Glycomic profiling of carcinoembryonic antigen isolated from human tumor tissue, Clinical Proteomics, 2015, 12(1): 17.
36. Li Y., Shah P., De Marzo A. M., Van Eyk J. E., Li Q. Q., Chan D. W., Zhang H.*. Identification of glycoproteins containing specific glycans using a lectin-chemical method, Analytical Chemistry, 2015,87(9): 4683-7.
- Patents
1. Zhang, H., Danni, L. Meany, Chan, D.W., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Sokoll, L.J. Detection of prostate cancer using PSA glycosylation patterns. The Johns Hopkins University. (United States Patent US2009004365)
2. DeVoe, D. L, Wang, Y, Lee, C. S. Li, Y., Methods and apparatus for porous membrane electrospray and multiplexed coupling of microfluidic systems with mass spectrometry. Calibrant Biosystems. (United States patent 20060192107)
3. Zhang, H., Li, Y., Sokoll, L.J., Zhang, Z., and Chan, D.W. Detection of prostate cancer proteins in serum for cancer diagnosis with a blood test. The Johns Hopkins University.(United State Patent Application 20100255472)
4. 何建国,黄纯翠,貊泽强,余锦,李岩,王金舵,林蔚然,刘洋,刘昊,一种微流控芯片的封接装置与封接方法。(专利授权公告号:CN106219482B)
5. 孙世伟,卜东波,杨飞,王耀君,李岩,黄纯翠,陈润生,高枫,刘亚名,一种糖结构鉴定方法及糖结构鉴定装置。(专利授权公告号:CN105758928B)
6. 孙世伟,王耀君,卜东波,李岩、黄纯翠,刘亚名,杨飞,武红梅,陈润生,多级质谱生物大分子结构鉴定方法。(专利授权公告号:CN104965020B)
7. 李岩,张建中,李倩倩,赵倩倩,肖迪,一种脂多糖中寡糖的纯化及质谱鉴定方法。 (专利授权公告号:CN106932258B)
8. 梁锴,李岩,赵克力,孙青,一种血液样本质量评估方法。(专利申请号:201911050788.6)
(From Yan Li, December 30, 2021)