Structural Insights into the Life!

The Laboratory of Biological Electron Microscopy and Structural Biology(LBEMSB) is an individual research group with the principal investigator, Dr. Fei Sun. It belongs to the National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Besides, Dr. Sun also takes the chief responsibility of the Center for Biological Imaging (CBI), Core Facility for Protein Sciences, CAS, which is well equipped. Our research group is one of the major users of CBI.
Our research interests are mainly related with the structure and function of biological system from molecular level to cellular level. The aim of our group is to combine various structural approaches as well as developing new methodologies to determine the architecture of biological system, in vitro and in vivo, from nano-scale to meso-scale, from static to dynamic. Our core task is conducting cutting-edge scientific research, and fostering high-quality talents. In the next five years, we will focus on (i) in situ structural biology, (ii) time resolution structural dynamics of macromolecules, (iii) 3D architectural biology.

→See our Work Review (2006-2020) of the past 15 years
